It is time to cooperate – Conference in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Rep., 20 June 2024


Bc. Margita Balaštíková

Bc. Margita Balaštíková

Czech Republic
Specialized in Equine-Assisted Therapies, Member of the Czech Parliament
Amarjeet S Bhamra

Amarjeet S Bhamra

United Kingdom
Initiator and Lead Secretariat at the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Indian Traditional Sciences
Dr. Jayvant Bhagattjee, BUTM, CMA

Dr. Jayvant Bhagattjee, BUTM, CMA

South Africa
Unani Tibb Practitioner, Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Acupuncturist
Bhaswati Bhattacharya, MPH, MD, PhD

Bhaswati Bhattacharya, MPH, MD, PhD

USA, India
Clin Asst Professor of Medicine, Cornell Medical College
Ralf Dissemond

Ralf Dissemond

Chair of Verband klassischer Homöopathen Deutschlands e.V.
Nandu Goswami, MD, PhD, MME

Nandu Goswami, MD, PhD, MME

Acting Head, Division of Physiology, Medical University of Graz
Stephan Hein

Stephan Hein

United Kingdom
Holistic Health & Well-being Practitioner, Teacher
Robert Johnstone FRSA, CF

Robert Johnstone FRSA, CF

United Kingdom
Chair: Access Matters, Midstream. Board Member: EFGCP, IFIC. EU Representative for IAPO
Dr. Peter Kath

Dr. Peter Kath

President of the European Ayurveda Association e.V.
Nora Laubstein

Nora Laubstein

President of the Association for Natural Medicine in Europe e.V.
Jesper Odde Madsen

Jesper Odde Madsen

Science journalist and communication consultant with focus on Complementary and Alternative Medicine
MUDr. Andrea Málková

MUDr. Andrea Málková

Czech Republic
General practitioner specializing in myoskeletal and integrative medicine
Diane Miller JD

Diane Miller JD

Attorney and the Law and Public Policy Advisor for National Health Freedom Coalition (NHFC) and National Health Freedom Action (NHFA)
Maximilian Moser, PhD.

Maximilian Moser, PhD.

Associate Professor of Physiology at Medical University of Graz
Federico Palla

Federico Palla

Project manager at LUMEN Network, SALUS European Network Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Kuldeep Pandey, MD, PhD

Prof. Dr. Kuldeep Pandey, MD, PhD

Professor & HOD Dept of Sangyaharan Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Med Sciences, Banaras Hindu Univ
Uwe Peters, Ph.D.

Uwe Peters, Ph.D.

Vice president of the Association for Natural Medicine in Europe e.V.
Tomáš Pfeiffer

Tomáš Pfeiffer

Czech Republic
Philosopher and Biotronicist, Founder and Director of the Institute for TCIM/CAM
Dr. med. Rainer Picha

Dr. med. Rainer Picha

Chair of International Maharishi AyurVeda Foundation (IMAVF)
Prof. Valdis Pirags, MD

Prof. Valdis Pirags, MD

Director of the International Institute for Indic Studies and Professor of Medicine at the University of Latvia
Prof. Dr. Bruno Renzi

Prof. Dr. Bruno Renzi

Director of the Maharishi College of Perfect Health International (MCPHI)
Dr. Antonietta Rozzi

Dr. Antonietta Rozzi

President of Sarva Yoga International, Honorary President of Federazione Italiana Yoga
Suzanne Ruggles

Suzanne Ruggles

United Kingdom
Author, Inspirational Speaker, Founder CEO at Full Circle Fund Therapies
Mgr. Miloslava Rutová

Mgr. Miloslava Rutová

Czech Republic
Facilitator and Therapist of One Brain Kinesiology
Profesor Avni Sali AM

Profesor Avni Sali AM

Founder and Director of the National Institute of Integrative Medicine (NIIM)
Rakesh Sharma, MD, PhD

Rakesh Sharma, MD, PhD

President, Board of Ethics and Registration for Indian Systems of Medicine, National Commission for Indian Systems of Medicine (NCISM), Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India
Nat. Milena Simeoni

Nat. Milena Simeoni

Naturopath and Reflexologist, lecturer and teaching director of the LUMEN School of Naturopathy
Prof. RNDr. Anna Strunecká, DrSc.

Prof. RNDr. Anna Strunecká, DrSc.

Czech Republic
Educationalist, Researcher, Publicist and Author
Prof. MUDr. Julius Špičák, CSc.

Prof. MUDr. Julius Špičák, CSc.

Czech Republic
Director of Hepatogastroenterology Department at IKEM, Member of the Czech Parliament
Prof. Dr. Madan Thangavelu

Prof. Dr. Madan Thangavelu

United Kingdom
Genome Biologist, Cambridge
Hari Kiran Vadlamani

Hari Kiran Vadlamani

Founder, Indic Academy & NICE Entrepreneurs, Promoting Indic Wisdom
MUDr. Hana Váňová

MUDr. Hana Váňová

Czech Republic
Medical Doctor Specialized in Acupuncture and Homeopathy, Former President of the Homeopathic Medical Association
Vaidya Harish Kumar Verma, BAMS, DNM

Vaidya Harish Kumar Verma, BAMS, DNM

President of Canadian College of Ayurveda & Yoga Inc., President of Best Ayurveda Limited
Kiran Vyas

Kiran Vyas

Founder and director of Tapovan Open University, a bridge between East and West
Isabelle Wachsmuth, MSc, MPH

Isabelle Wachsmuth, MSc, MPH

Project Manager in World Health Organization, World Headquarters, Geneva
Prof. Mag. Maria Walcher

Prof. Mag. Maria Walcher

Expert for Intangible Cultural Heritage
Bc. Margita Balaštíková

Bc. Margita Balaštíková

Czech Republic
Amarjeet S Bhamra

Amarjeet S Bhamra

United Kingdom
Dr. Jayvant Bhagattjee, BUTM, CMA

Dr. Jayvant Bhagattjee, BUTM, CMA

South Africa
Bhaswati Bhattacharya, MPH, MD, PhD

Bhaswati Bhattacharya, MPH, MD, PhD

USA, India
Ralf Dissemond

Ralf Dissemond

Nandu Goswami, MD, PhD, MME

Nandu Goswami, MD, PhD, MME

Stephan Hein

Stephan Hein

United Kingdom
Robert Johnstone FRSA, CF

Robert Johnstone FRSA, CF

United Kingdom
Dr. Peter Kath

Dr. Peter Kath

Nora Laubstein

Nora Laubstein

Jesper Odde Madsen

Jesper Odde Madsen

MUDr. Andrea Málková

MUDr. Andrea Málková

Czech Republic
Diane Miller JD

Diane Miller JD

Maximilian Moser, PhD.

Maximilian Moser, PhD.

Federico Palla

Federico Palla

Prof. Dr. Kuldeep Pandey, MD, PhD

Prof. Dr. Kuldeep Pandey, MD, PhD

Uwe Peters, Ph.D.

Uwe Peters, Ph.D.

Tomáš Pfeiffer

Tomáš Pfeiffer

Czech Republic
Dr. med. Rainer Picha

Dr. med. Rainer Picha

Prof. Valdis Pirags, MD

Prof. Valdis Pirags, MD

Prof. Dr. Bruno Renzi

Prof. Dr. Bruno Renzi

Dr. Antonietta Rozzi

Dr. Antonietta Rozzi

Suzanne Ruggles

Suzanne Ruggles

United Kingdom
Mgr. Miloslava Rutová

Mgr. Miloslava Rutová

Czech Republic
Profesor Avni Sali AM

Profesor Avni Sali AM

Rakesh Sharma, MD, PhD

Rakesh Sharma, MD, PhD

Nat. Milena Simeoni

Nat. Milena Simeoni

Prof. RNDr. Anna Strunecká, DrSc.

Prof. RNDr. Anna Strunecká, DrSc.

Czech Republic
Prof. MUDr. Julius Špičák, CSc.

Prof. MUDr. Julius Špičák, CSc.

Czech Republic
Prof. Dr. Madan Thangavelu

Prof. Dr. Madan Thangavelu

United Kingdom
Hari Kiran Vadlamani

Hari Kiran Vadlamani

MUDr. Hana Váňová

MUDr. Hana Váňová

Czech Republic
Vaidya Harish Kumar Verma, BAMS, DNM

Vaidya Harish Kumar Verma, BAMS, DNM

Kiran Vyas

Kiran Vyas

Isabelle Wachsmuth, MSc, MPH

Isabelle Wachsmuth, MSc, MPH

Prof. Mag. Maria Walcher

Prof. Mag. Maria Walcher



Dr. Geetha Gopalakrishna, BAMS, MD

Dr. Geetha Gopalakrishna, BAMS, MD

Technical Officer, Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine (TCIM) Unit, WHO, Geneva
Dr John Hughes PhD, BSc (Hons), Lic. Ac.

Dr John Hughes PhD, BSc (Hons), Lic. Ac.

United Kingdom
Head of Research, Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, UCLH NHS Foundation Trust
Ing. Adolf Inneman, Ph.D.

Ing. Adolf Inneman, Ph.D.

Czech Republic
Space engineer working with ESA and NASA, popularizer of science and knowledge of ancient civilizations of India, Japan, Maya and Chinese philosophy
Doc. PhDr. Eva Křížová, Ph.D.

Doc. PhDr. Eva Křížová, Ph.D.

Czech Republic
Sociologist, Associate Professor at Charles University, she specializes in modern medicine and healthcare
Dr. Suresh Swarnapuri, BAMS, MD

Dr. Suresh Swarnapuri, BAMS, MD

President of EAA - Europe Ayurveda Academy (France), Executive Director of the Association Ayureda Academy (UK)
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Katharina C. Wirnitzer

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Katharina C. Wirnitzer

Sports scientist and senior lecturer for sports science and sports didactics
Dr. Geetha Gopalakrishna, BAMS, MD

Dr. Geetha Gopalakrishna, BAMS, MD

Dr John Hughes PhD, BSc (Hons), Lic. Ac.

Dr John Hughes PhD, BSc (Hons), Lic. Ac.

United Kingdom
Ing. Adolf Inneman, Ph.D.

Ing. Adolf Inneman, Ph.D.

Czech Republic
Doc. PhDr. Eva Křížová, Ph.D.

Doc. PhDr. Eva Křížová, Ph.D.

Czech Republic
Dr. Suresh Swarnapuri, BAMS, MD

Dr. Suresh Swarnapuri, BAMS, MD

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Katharina C. Wirnitzer

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Katharina C. Wirnitzer
