TCIM research and results

The WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014–2023 states that, since 1999, significant progress has been made in establishing national research institutes for traditional and complementary medicine worldwide (see Figure 9).

Increase in the number of national research institutes targeting T&CAM research worldwide between 1999 and 2012

Figure 9 – Increase in the number of national research institutes targeting T&CAM research worldwide between 1999 and 2012 (out of 129, the total number of countries surveyed).

Source: WHO. WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014–2023 [online].


CAM Research Centres in the EU

List of CAM research centers within the EU

Global and European CAM Research Centres

Research on the Efficacy of individual CAM therapies

European Commission – the Europe-Wide Research Project CAMbrella

A research roadmap for complementary and alternative medicine – what we need to know by 2020

CAM Research Results