CAM Research Centres in the EU

(CAMbrella overview)

Between 2010 and 2012, a list of 112 CAM research sites in the EU15, was created during the previously mentioned pan-European survey, CAMbrellla. The list can be found in full on pages 42–50 (see table 1). The centres that participated in the CAMbrella project are marked in gray.

The map (see Figure 10) was created using the CAMbrella table and shows the location of the CAM research centres in the EU. The countries marked in green have active research centres. The numbers indicate how many centres there are in each country. The countries marked in red do not have any known research centres at present.

The centre in Belgium (ECH – European Committee for Homeopathy) (16) has been added to the map.

There may be research centres in other European countries as well, however, there is not enough reliable information about them at present.

Number of CAM research centres in the EU countries where complementary and alternative medicine is being studied.
Figure 10 – Number of CAM research centres in the EU countries where complementary and alternative medicine is being studied.

The countries marked in green have active research centres. The numbers indicate how many centres there are in each country. The countries marked in red do not have any known research centres at present. Creator of the map: KoS.

Sources: CAMbrella. Final Report of CAMbrella Work Package 8 – CAMbrella strategy for dissemination of project findings and future networking, Annex 11: List of CAM research centres within the EU [online].
The European Committee for Homeopathy [online].