European Commission – the Europe-Wide Research Project CAMbrella


Since the late 1990s, European institutions have reflected the increasing use of CAM and the resulting need to institutionalize these methods. The first step was the very general but favourable resolution by the European Parliament in 1997 (see p. 130) and the subsequent resolution from the Council of Europe in 1999 (see p. 138).

From 2010 to 2012, with the financial support of the European Commission, an international project on complementary and alternative medicine was carried out. It was funded under the EU's 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. This extensive survey called CAMBRELLA (59) has brought forth concrete information about the CAM situation in the EU Member States and cleared a path for further development towards this diverse non-medical healthcare sector being coordinated and institutionalized in Europe.

A Europe-wide scientific research network for complementary and alternative medicine was created within the CAMbrella project. It consists of 16 partner institutions from 12 European countries: Spain, Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Hungary, France, Romania, Sweden, Italy, Switzerland, Norway, and Austria. This team of scientists was tasked with assessing the CAM situation in Europe and providing recommendations for the possibility of including CAM in the established EU healthcare systems.

“Work Package” Research task Location
WP 1 Terminology and definitions of CAM methods University of Zurich, UZH
WP 2 Legal status and regulations University of Tromsø, NAFKAM
WP 3 Needs and attitudes of citizens University of Southern Denmark, SDU
WP 4 CAM use – the patients' perspective University of Southampton
WP 5 CAM use – the providers' perspective University of Bern, UNIBE
WP 6 The global perspective Karolinska Institute, KI
WP 7 The Roadmap for CAM research in Europe University Medical Center Berlin, Charité
WP 8 Communication and dissemination Österreichische Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin, GAMED, Vienna

Table 3 – Structure of CAMbrella – work packages, their research task and main investigators. Author of the table – KoS.

Source: CAMBRELLA. CAMbrella (GA No. 241951) Final Report, Reporting period: 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2012, Publishable summary [online].

Results of CAMBRELLA

Recommendations Based on CAMBRELLA

CAMBRELLA in Documents