Global and European CAM Research Centres

On the following pages,we provide an overview of the global research centres dedicated to CAM therapy research together with a brief description of the focus of their activities.  Many of these centres were established decades ago, and their activity proves the long tradition of complementary and alternative medicine research in Europe and in the world. In many cases, the centres are located at prestigious universities in Europe or elsewhere around the world.

Great Britain

Cancer Research UK
The largest cancer research organisation in the world outside the USA, the European leader in the development of new anti cancer drugs, also focuses on complementary and alternative medicine research (CAM), including life-energy healing research.

RCCM – Research Council for Complementary Medicine
“The RCCM is a charity founded in 1983, dedicated to developing high quality research in CAM.”

University of Southampton – Research on Complementary and Integrated Medicine
The complementary and integrated medicine research group at Southampton University Medical School, one of Great Britain‘s primary CAM research centres, has combined CAM research with conventional medicine since 1995.

Peninsula Medical School – Exeter
“Internationally recognised centre of excellence in the area of complementary medicine research.”

University of York – Complementary Medicine Evaluation Group
“We focus on evaluating the clinical and cost effectiveness of complementary therapies that are used for health maintenance, disease prevention and for the treatment of ill health. Our evaluative research is conducted to the highest standards using randomised controlled trials and systematic reviews of trials, published in mainstream top medical journals.”

NFSH Charitable Trust Ltd – The Healing Trust
The largest and oldest foundation of spiritual healers in the UK. Founded in 1954, has over 50 treatment centres across the UK and also conducts research that is subsequently published on their website.

The Haven – Breast Cancer Support Centres (published research)
Free service for breast cancer patients – offers a wide range of emotional, physical and practical support that includes over 40 additional therapies, counselling, nutrition counselling, exercise, financial counselling and support groups. The Haven also carries out its own research.

Note: In the UK, healers are often asked to cooperate with GPs (General Practitioner). The Doctor-Healer Network (17) was founded in 1988 and brings together doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers with healers. Together, they combine a wide range of treatment methods to best assist their patients.


University of Duisburg-Essen – Faculty of Medicine
Research and education in the field of evidence-based medicine and complementary medicine.
As an example, one area of research is Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, the relationship between mind and body, with a focus on oncology.

University of Freiburg – Medical Centre
The Centre for Complementary Medicine is one of the largest institutions in Europe with patients from all around the world.
The doctors at the centre are experts in both conventional and complementary treatments.
In addition to research, the centre also provides therapeutic and diagnostic services (homeopathy, acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, phytotherapy, etc.), and focuses on the potential treatment of cancer and autoimmune disorders with substances extracted from plants.

Competence Centre for Complementary Medicine And Naturopathy – München
The Competence Centre (CoCoNat) for Complementary Medicine and Naturopathy is one of the world's leading centres for high-quality research in naturopathy and complementary medicine. The centre dates back 20 years and focuses on traditional Chinese medicine.
It also offers advice on alternative methods for treating cancer.

Klinikum Nuernberg – Department of Oncology and Hematology
Since 1989, a research group has examined and evaluated the effectiveness and safety of complementary and alternative medicine in the treatment of cancer patients.

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Working group at the Children's Oncology Ward, research at one of Europe's largest university hospitals.
Prof. Dr. med. Benno Brinkhaus – CAM research.


NAFKAM – The National Research Center in Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Researches alternative medicine, including cancer treatment.
Resides at the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Arctic University of Norway, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services. – detailed information about the regulation of complementary and alternative medicine in various countries.


Danish Cancer Society
Researches complementary and alternative medicine, prevention and support for cancer patients.


Institute of Complementary Medicine
Complementary and integrative medicine research at the University Hospital of Zurich, including research on cancer treatment.

IKOM – Institute of Complementary Medicine at the University of Bern
Integrates conventional and alternative medicine in patient care, research and education.
Deals mainly with anthroposophic medicine, homeopathy, nerve therapy and Chinese medicine.


ECH – European Committee for Homeopathy
“ECH represents all medical doctors with an additional qualification in homeopathy, organised in: 40 associations, 25 European countries.”
Homeopathy research.


NICM – National Institute of Complementary Medicine
National Institute of Complementary Medicine for alternative medicine research.

ARCCIM – Australian Research Centre for Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Sydney
The first centre in the world for critical research and enforcement of CAM.

NIIM – National Institute of Integrative Medicine
The largest medical institute for integrative medicine in Australia. It is engaged in both researching complementary and integrative therapies, as well as in educating the public and the medical community on this topic.

PRACI – Practitioner Research and Collaboration Iniciative
Most likely the world‘s largest network of researchers in the field of complementary medicine research; a research project of national and international significance.


S-VYASA Deemed University – The School of Integrative Medicine
In addition to education, the School of Integrative Medicine focuses on research of complementary therapies, in particular yoga and the relationship between the body and mind, and the influence of the mind on the body‘s physiological processes.
It also studies vital

NIAMR – National Institute of Alternate Medicine & Research – Acupuncture Cam Therapy Institute India

The National Institute of Alternative Medicine & Research is operated under the auspices of the International Himalayan Institute of Acupuncture and Complementary Medicine, in Dehradun, Uttaranchal, Uttarakhand, India. Courses are held in Ayurveda, acupuncture, acupressure, astrology, yoga, and alternative medicine. The institute also develops and researches alternative medicine.


NCCIH – National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
Scientific research on complementary and integrative medicine.
Researches such fields as the influence of meditation and yoga on pain relief, acupuncture, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, therapeutic touch, and many others.
The first of the 27 institutes and centres that make up the National Institutes of Health (NIH) within the US Department of Health and Human Services.

OCCAM – Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine
An institute for research on complementary and alternative medicine in relation to cancer treatment.
The institute was established in October 1998 in order to coordinate and strengthen the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).

Samueli Institute

Research on the effectiveness of complementary and alternative medicine.
Studies acupuncture, yoga, natural products etc.

MSKCC – Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

A global leader regarding complementary (integrative) oncology - treatment, education and research.

SIO – Society for Integrative Oncology
Multidisciplinary professional organization for nonprofit integrative oncology, since 2003 enables communication, education, research.

UMIM – University of Michigan Integrative Medicine Research Center
Performs innovative research on holistic human treatment, and integrative and alternative medicine with the aim to facilitate mutual cooperation between the disciplines.
The research center was established in 2007. Formerly known as the Complementary and Alternative Research Center (CAMRC).

The Center for Integrative Medicine – University of Maryland School of Medicine

Research centre for integrative and alternative medicine at the University of Maryland.
Evaluates the scientific basis of alternative therapies as part of its research.


The Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program – Department of Medicine at Mayo Clinic

A research programme at the Mayo Clinic that focuses on complementary and integrative medicine research in response to patients’ growing interest in non-conventional treatments.

MD Anderson Cancer Center – Integrative Medicine Program – The University of Texas, Houston
Integrative medicine research programme at the University of Houston.
Examples of studied fields include acupuncture, meditation, yoga as a part of cancer treatment; the use of plants and other natural substances in treatments; and the effect of physical exercise, nutrition and stress on human health.

Oregon Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Neurological Disorders (ORCCAMIND)
The centre focuses on implementing unbiased approaches to study alternative medicine, such as food supplements, yoga, acupuncture, meditation etc., within neurology.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
An organization that helps veterans to cope with stress. The aim is to fill a lacuna in research on complementary and alternative curative methods and to identify effective and safe treatments.

University of North Carolina School of Medicine – Program on Integrative Medicine

Research on complementary, alternative and integrative medicine at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and at the UNC Hospitals Neurology Clinic.

Healing Beyond Borders

Johns Hopkins Medicine

(Johns Hopkins University of Medicine & The Johns Hopkins Hospital)

One of the largest hospitals in the world.
Connects doctors and scientists from the Johns Hopkins University of Medicine with organizations and healthcare workers at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Also researches complementary and alternative medicine.

UC San Diego – Center for Integrative Medicine

The centre also focuses on treating patients and research on complementary and alternative medicine.

IMI – Integrative Medicine Institute

Integrative medicine research since 1992.

HTWF – Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation, Inc. – Houston

A nonprofit founded in 1997. The Healing Touch method is widely respected and increasingly accepted, not only in the United States but in many countries around the world. It conducts research at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Stanford University Medical Center, among others.

Wake Forest School of Medicine

Centre for integrative medicine at the hospital and at the Wake Forest training centre, conducts complementary and alternative medicine research.

University of Minnesota – Center for Spirituality & Healing – Minneapolis

Conducts CAM research focusing on stress reduction, Chinese medicine etc.


IN-CAM Research Network
IN-CAM is a collaborative and interdisciplinary research community in Canada for the acquisition of knowledge through research on complementary, alternative and integrative medicine with the aim to improve health and healthcare in Canada.

University of Calgary – Canada Research Chair in Complementary Medicine

Research on complementary and alternative medicine.


NMRC – The Louis L. Borick Natural Medicine Research Center

Hadassah Medical Center
Focus on research of traditional Chinese medicine, Tibetan medicine, and stress reduction.

The Israeli Society for Complementary Medicine
Israeli Society for Complementary Medicine, founded in 2002.

Rambam Health Care Campus

One of Israel's most prestigious hospitals, where the beneficial effects of alternative therapies among cancer patients are studied.

Jižní Korea

KIOM – Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine

Institute for Oriental Medicine Research, collaborates with WHO (World Health Organization).
Myeong Soo Lee, Ph.D. - Principal Researcher at the Institute.

International Research Centres

ISCMR – International Society for Complementary Medicine Research

“ISCMR is an international multidisciplinary scientific organization established to foster the development and dissemination of new knowledge regarding whole person healing and whole systems healthcare research, including all traditional, holistic, alternative, complementary and integrative forms of medicine (TCAIM). It provides a platform for knowledge and information exchange of TCAIM research to enhance international communication and collaboration.”

The Center for Reiki Research

A list of 76 hospitals, medical clinics and hospices, where reiki is offered as a regular part of the treatment (mostly located in the USA, but also in Canada, Great Britain, Argentina, Belgium, Egypt, etc.), is available on the Reiki Research Center website.
See also: